families funded
families funded
Get running water and a working toilet to every American. Life without running water is more complicated, and more expensive. Yet millions of Americans spend hours each week hauling water from streams, wells, or grocery stores — hours taken away from work, studying, or playing.
They live with a higher risk of waterborne disease, type 2 diabetes, physical injury, and acute mental stress, and they spend thousands each year to get the water they need to bathe, cook, clean, and stay hydrated.
By saving families money on things like health care bills and bottled water, and by giving them more time to work, study, play and thrive.
Donate now to give the joy and peace of mind of clean, hot-and-cold running water and solar power for up to 350 families living on Navajo Nation. Your donation can help households turn on the tap for the very first time.
Home Water Systems installed in 2022 alone
septic systems back into working order
students in our new Navajo plumbing certificate course
Connect a home to clean, running water - completely transforming a family’s life forever!
Help to cover the cost of a new sink, faucet and cabinet so a family can turn on the tap for the first time!